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Search for folders

by Guest on 2018/06/09 05:41:54 PM    
I know that this has already been asked for, but that post seems to have derailed a bit. I would like to have the option to include folder names when searching. That way, when I look for something, it doesn't have to be a zipped, etc. file and I can just find the whole folder and download it directly. I don't mind if that makes the downloads themselves bigger, its just that I would like to be able to search something and find a whole folder in which I can see what there is and, say that there are multiple folders all with files the same file names within compared to other similar folders, I can search for a specific folders and not have to look around for the right one no matter what the internal contents are named as.
by Guest on 2018/06/09 11:15:54 PM    
searches do present folders in the results, if a folder happens to have in its name the word(s) you entered as your search item. by rightclicking on a folder in search results you can download it at once. if you wanted to see what it contains beforehand, rightclick will also give you the option to browse that folder.
by Guest on 2018/06/10 05:08:34 PM    
Yep sorry about this guys. You right.

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