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[Bug Report] Download cleared on completion

by BugMagnet on 2019/05/22 06:29:47 PM    
I had my setting to clear completed downloads after 24 hours.

I just downloaded a folder of another users 3 crash report .dat files. As soon as it completed, it disappeared from my downloads window.
by BugMagnet on 2019/05/22 08:31:47 PM    
another thing... I should have  noted in my first post.

Before I started the download of that folder, there was already another completed download entry for another file.

It is still there even after a restart.

Then I tested more.

I just downloaded a file and a folder of files with autoclear off and autoclear set to 24 hours.

None of the files/folders disappeared this time. Seems I can't replicate it ATM.

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