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Feature request multiple search tabs.

by Guest on 2019/10/12 05:48:23 PM    
nice to have search tabs for popping back and retrying a previous search that you did earlier.
i could see myself leaving tabs open and returning to them later to run a search again.
by BugMagnet on 2019/11/13 07:52:55 PM    
I second this emotion

I like the tabs and find filter function of Bit Che torrent search App - so spoiled with that
by Guest on 2019/11/15 08:38:58 AM    
On a historical note I saw this particular feature used by MediaDefender to help operate their anti p2p system. Their trapperkeeper code looks for the new tab ctrl and opens up multiple searches and does its best to log user data after initiating a connection, this was for winMX where you can see the traffic it can ganarate from a list of search terms used once per tab.

Also having such a mechanism in usage m akes it harder to weed out any bots as when multiple searches all emanate from the same requestor you cant be sure if its a multiple tab user or a network attacker, for this reason what about hardwiring in a set amount so any remote clients can automatically temp blacklist an ip that searches too much, this way the network can protect itself whilst delivering some protection against the data miners.
by Guest on 2020/07/28 11:13:08 AM    
Would be interesting to fork the couch potato server concept and add something like it to fopnu as a plugin hidden tor service so that it could automate at a controlled rate the seeking of specific files and auto start them based on whether they match search constraints.

im thinking to tie fopnu, couch potato server and kodi together and combine their web interfaces into a hidden tor service site for the user.
add to kodi the auto rip and archive library scripts i have used before and it would be pretty slick.
by Guest on 2020/07/28 08:27:59 PM    
you can open multiple search windows since version 1.42

right-click the search button and choose 'new window'.

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