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problem with a user

by Guest on 2020/05/28 09:24:03 PM    
Can someone from Fopnu please contact me .
I am new to this system and have some questions regarding some of the roughly 100 users here that I have found.
My nick here in Fopnu is onex101.

Thank you in advance
by Guest on 2020/05/29 06:51:59 AM    
Hi Jerry, I am  nothing to do with the fopnu folks but would like to share some information with you regarding why you may not hear from them.

Fopnu is not a "site" that your using it is a decentralised network made up of its users and as such the software developers have no control over who joins the network, uses the software, or what they do while using it.

If you have found some unmentionable material that you believe is illegal then you dont need anyones permission here to report it to the relevant authorities.


I hope I have answered some of your questions but please post again if what you want to ask is not addressed yet.
by Guest on 2020/06/10 03:45:54 AM    
These kind of posting scare me.
by Guest on 2020/06/11 05:24:01 AM    
Theres no need to fear public posting Guest, the original poster was guarded about what he wanted to speak to the developers about and I took the initiative in guessing it might have been related to illegal activity, this might not be the case but having been around the block a few times its a common reason for furtive requests made in public.

We all hope such activity is not present on any network we use but that being said it makes no sense to say nothing when you think you may have witnessed it, we all need to be strong and stand against abusers and make sure our networks are free of them, after all we dont want to be accused of bad things simply because we use a specific platform and the developers surely dont want abusers tarnishing their hard won good name either.

We still do not know what the original poster wanted as they havent returned but we can each ensure this networks solid growth by ensuring abusers are not welcome here.
by Guest on 2020/07/02 09:21:55 AM    
I'm not the original poster but I thought I should say something. I found a user distributing some very illegal media. I think you know what I mean without me explicitly saying what it is. I took note of their IP, port, the time (UTC), and nickname. I entered the IP on https://bgp.he.net/  and contacted their ISP. (See the Whois section after entering an IP or ASN.)

If anyone else finds it, do what I did. You should also block the user.
by Guest on 2020/07/07 05:05:04 AM    
If the media is of a serious nature I would hope it was reported to the relevant authorities, blocking it from yourself might feel good but it does nothing to stop the problem, folks need to act responsibly and report all such media to ensure a clean and wholesome network is available for all.
by Guest on 2022/11/22 07:47:32 AM    
I've just made a report to the ACCCE. It's unfortunate that these things happen, but it's heartening to see people united against it.

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