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Enhancement request Add External IP Shown button to Fopnu and Ti

by ASmith on 2022/01/17 07:05:14 AM    
Enhancement request Add External IP Shown button to Fopnu and Tixati

Provide a easy button for Fopnu, Tixati users to enable that shows what their external IPv4 is that is published. This would instantly discern to the user if their optional Socks 5 Proxy or VPN is functioning as needed or not.
by ASmith on 2022/02/19 05:12:18 AM    
In Network --> Event Log --> Reflected location: in Fopnu is indicating what a external peer would see as your external IPv4 address. This external address and port in use should be more easily be locally accessed and seen. In Settings or under its own tab in the Network row of tabs 'Your current external IPv4 address being shown is xxx.xx.xxx.xxx port xxxxx.

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