lon ... are you still with us? have you mastered using fopnu yet?
As always, when all else fails, RTFM. That should help get you up to speed.
The main page,
https://fopnu.com/ , gives an overview.
Your concern
FOPNU shows activity immediately on starting the program so I closed it. Is this activity going anywhere or doing anything before I assign some partners to share content?
is well explained at
The decentralized network that all running Fopnu clients form is a pure UDP mesh. There are no central servers or supernodes, and each peer participates in an equal manner.
Your shared file listings are indexed by your own computer and never forwarded to any other peers for indexing. You only process searches against your own files, so your CPU time does not get wasted on lookups that don't involve you.
The "activity" you noticed is merely your connection to the fopnu mesh network. Some in and out packets are needed just to make and maintain your connection to this mesh network. At this point, without a library to share, you can search for files and download. Others see nothing from you since you are not yet sharing any files.
Now, as to "how to get your first piece of content into fopnu", easy...
Can Fopnu simply drag and drop content folders from a folder?
If not what is the add method if the content is usually in a torrent folder?
I used "ADD" as in Tixati to load some content which is a folder of a play captured elsewhere.
You are in control here. fopnu only shares from folder(s). You can't add a single file to share. You must create a folder and add that file to the folder to share it.
You can create one "My Library" folder or a thousand folders and share them all.
Lastly does fopnu operate as a google drive or 'cyberlocker'?
How do I link to others where my fopnu is?
How does anyone find out about my content?
With google drive, you upload your content to their servers. With fopnu, the files stay on your computer.
They are available for others to search for or browse only when you are online, connected to the fopnu p2p cybercloud mesh.
Is Public the default display option?
That depends on how you configured your fopnu settings. Under Settings > Files there is an option to make "Added library folders shared by default". Enable/Disable that as you wish. You can make a shared folder available publicly to all or restrict the contents to a designated friend/group.
I don't know how the Groups work.
RTFM. :)
Create 2 folders. "My Public library" and "My Private Library" (Use any names you want, "Cats", "Dogs", "Earth", "Wind", "Fire", "Water" ... whatever pleases you.
Create a group, add a friend to the group and enable group access to "My Private Library" or "Cats" for your cat-lover friend. Whatever.