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Fopnu Hashing time is slow while DarkMX Hashing time is a great

by ASmith on 2022/06/03 05:14:32 AM    
Fopnu Hashing time is slow while DarkMX Hashing time is a great deal faster, why?

For those sharing files with both of the recommended Fopnu and DarkMX file-sharing platforms, you've likely noticed it takes a great deal longer for the Fopnu platform to hash need added files compared to DarkMX to hash the same files.

Why is that, and what can the developer do to help speed up the hashing speeds on Fopnu?

by Guest on 2022/06/03 05:20:02 AM    
DarkMX does not hash files, only Fopnu does.
by ASmith on 2022/06/03 08:49:58 PM    
Thanks for the update on that often-asked query.

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