by Guest on 2017/08/25 12:29:24 PM
That works ...
It appears that only files that appear in my fopnu library folder list (displayed) are actually available to the network.
Since 'other' can refer to a whole raft of other stuff .. I would think that M4A should be added to the "AUDIO" category at some point in time.
An alternative suggestion might be to add a "fop-share" option to the file explorer "right click" to specifically select a file (or group of files) or folder to be included in the library (not copied per say - but maybe a shortcut/link).
Of course - the fopnu library display would need to display these linked files (and actual location) as well - and have the ability to override / select / deselect as well.
Just a suggestion .... so far though - fopnu looks promising !