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Has Development Stopped?

by Officeguy1986 on 2023/12/28 08:06:21 PM    
I've noticed that Fopnu and other apps haven't been updated in almost a year. Has development ceased?
by janet on 2023/12/29 12:31:30 AM    
Development has NOT ceased.
All 4 programs (Tixati, Fopnu, DarkMX and Super Simple Server) are in full development.
The Devs have been hard at work working towards an Android version of the programs, with a DarkMX release coming very soon.
by Guest on 2023/12/29 01:11:03 AM    
Thanks for the update.
by Guest on 2023/12/30 10:26:40 AM    
Big news! Excited to see what comes next!

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