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Why would Tixati and Fopnu exist at the same time?

by Guest on 2024/02/15 05:34:37 AM    
Is there a difference between one being P2P and one being BT? Why not merge them together? Can anyone explain this? It feels like these two software are very similar.I'm confused about what to choose.
by Guest on 2024/02/15 05:27:50 PM    
They are different software. One uses the BITTORRENT network and the other uses the FOPNU network.
by TX007 on 2024/02/15 09:02:40 PM    
Torrent clients like Tixati are meant to share content with all the world. Fopnu in theory can do that as well, but in my opinion it's more suitable for sharing files between friends, colleagues, and family members.  
I think The 2 programs are not merged together just to keep them lightweight.

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