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filtering our search results by (negative) keyword?

by Guest on 2024/06/05 09:11:20 PM    
Years ago, when I last used a p-to-p client, I recall that it enabled users to, by default, filter out searchable content by designating certain strings. Thereafter, would-be results that contain such strings would be automatically filtered out. When using a p-to-p client, this is particularly relevant when searching for porn (which in and of itself is not bad). I realize that some content isn't discernible by filename alone, but in the very least I hope to filter out content that I find disgusting and/or which is illegal in practically every country... I'm not arguing that such content ought to be centrally censored; I'm inclined in that direction, but that's a different issue. Instead, I'd like to be able to search for and find porn without encountering so many filenames that are horrifying, without needing to enter the whole list of such strings, prefixed by -. Thanks for reading this, and I hope I'm not the only one.

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