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Are slow speeds normal?

by Guest on 2024/08/15 03:48:57 AM    
I'm new to Fopnu and I'm curious about file transfer speeds. I also us WinMX and the DL/UL speeds are massively faster and I was just wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I can't seem to get anything over 40K, a movie (not all of them) can take 2 and 3 days to download or at least 12 hours. Any advice for a newbie?
by Guest on 2024/08/15 09:08:34 PM    
I find I get pretty good speeds most of the time. I usually max out my connection (or close to it) when I download something. If the person you are downloading from has many popular files they could be very busy so you do not get much bandwidth.
by Guest on 2024/08/16 03:18:28 AM    
If I may ask, what do you consider a good speed? I haven't yet gotten anything over 40k from anyone so I assume it's an issue with my system
by Guest on 2024/08/16 11:39:54 AM    
It could be a combination of slow uploaders and slow internet for you.
I have my incoming bandwidth limit set to 5000 KB/s (in fopnu) and usually come close to maxing it out when I download.
It mostly depends on the uploaders speed.
by Guest on 2024/08/16 08:03:36 PM    
Thank you for your input. I just reset my incoming to 5000 and it upped the speed quite a bit, I was just using the default setting. WinMX is still much faster but it's much more of a ghost town since I last used it. Right now on Fopnu I have a 3.21 GB movie d/l-ing and it will take 7hrs 51 min...but for the file selection and quality I'm willing to wait.

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