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Download and upload question

by Guest on 2017/10/09 07:10:16 PM    
My downloads are always limited at 20 k/s and I have a lot of files, but no one want to upload them.
When I search it seems to have a very poor number of files to download.
Thank you
by Guest on 2017/10/10 12:32:03 AM    
what OS and what version on Fopnu?

My downloads are always limited at 20 k/s
do you have the bandwidth manually limited? look on bandwidth tab.

I have a lot of files, but no one want to upload them.
you cant force others to download your stuff. if the want it they will download it.

When I search it seems to have a very poor number of files to download.
the network is new and growing. with more people comes more files.

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