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Will Coninue to use winmx

by Guest on 2024/11/13 10:08:42 AM    
until these newer programs get some of the same old bandwith and download and upload controls that winmx have not everybody wants to share 24/7  
i hope in time these will be done
by Guest on 2024/11/13 01:24:51 PM    
Fopnu is constantly improving.
Put forth your suggestions, the dev is always listening.
by Guest on 2024/11/26 08:35:55 PM    
not everybody wants to share 24/7

regarding this issue..

click settings (the gear) > Scheduler > activate scheduler option to 'on' .. close settings..

you now have a button with a clock icon next to the contacts button.. click it and you will see the scheduler

click the +add button and set your preferences for changing bandwidth, network activation, and other actions at your desired times..
by Guest on 2024/11/29 08:43:28 AM    
So your telling me fopnu has the same bandwitch controls as winmx were the user can control the actual number of the speed also it has the functions of the winmx zero hack with this allows u to not have to share 24/7 and combined with mxmonitor whick controls upload and download slots and will also manage the amount of files that are being uploaded that what i meant buy sharing 24/7 some users dont want to have folder files open 24/7 and have multi uploads runnning at one time thats why i said fopnu needs upload and download controls  an bandwith controls like winMx and MxMonitor. If Fopnu has these fuctions of winMx and MxMonitor then let me know i will give it a try but i didnt think it did.
by Guest on 2024/12/03 04:28:29 AM    
the functions of the winmx zero hack

things like this, and moni, made winmx on dial-up a living hell.

..if this is your mindset, please, do stay there.
by Guest on 2024/12/06 03:29:12 AM    
I sure will stay on winmMx its the best p2p software out there i recently install fopnu and winmx seems to have more users and files than fopnu unless u all are hiding behind encrypted/password protected chat groups like i said in my first statment no all users want to run 24/7 then not getting anything in return do to lack of files and users on fopnu im not puting fopnu down im sure in the near future it will be something since the same creator is behind winmx and fopnu but for now whats the since in loading tons of files just for users like u in the mindset of leeching files while hiding in the program u also shouldnt complain about the winmx zero hack , mxmonitor and ect due to the fact the creator of these programs winmx and fopnu could have put a stop to these winmx addons along time ago. i am all for sharing and ect but many years of users just want to leech not just on winmx but other p2p got tired of it i quess im old school. also most of the users in the open chat rooms are files that have come mainly for torrents, websites, or other p2p programs like winmx.
by Guest on 2024/12/06 04:02:53 AM    
It also seems funny that about every fopnu chat room has the same admin and mostly the same users and same files in each one of them if u all expect users to not want zero files sharing capibilities then quit hiding behind the encrypted/paswword protect chat groups and share with these users that u are a telling to stay away. Seems u would rather complain and say that if users dont want to run 24/7 and get leeched off of u dont want them on fopnu thats cool
Now that being said i have no problem with fopnu or the creator of winMx/Fopnu i have to say thank you for your hard work and time speent on thes programs.
But for someone to reply that they would rather a user stay off of fopnu due to that users opinon or needs of the program is not cool. Remember some ISP's Still Have A Monthly Bandwith Cap/Limit What about those users do u just write them off and tell them to stay away to "Quest"

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