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Fopnu 1.67 consuming large amounts of RAM

by ASmith on 2025/01/09 11:05:21 PM    
Fopnu is now consuming 8 GB of RAM on my system. Is there anything I can look at or adjust to lower that down, I don't recall Fopnu gobbling up so much RAM previously.
by Guest on 2025/01/10 06:05:12 AM    
did you update recently?
when did you notice the increase?
how much is in your library?
do you run any channel? lots of people in them?

I dont run any channels but I have almost 9TB in 123,000 files and I use about 2-3GiB
by Guest on 2025/01/26 12:35:48 AM    
Fopnu is now consuming 8 GB of RAM on my system

given the size of your library; this honestly seems tame.
..what did it eat previously?

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