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VERY SLOW ..............

by IZ0JUB on 2017/10/12 06:18:51 PM    
The speeds are very slow around 25 kbs watching my friend downloading a 500 kb folder from my PC. My internet wireless system has 10 mbs down and 1 mbs upload speeds so is this normal for Fopnu?
by IPLEEDtheFIFTH on 2017/11/19 10:00:03 AM    
just as slow for me dont know whats wrong
by Guest on 2018/04/23 11:03:49 PM    
I confirm. Slow upload and download speeds without turned on speed limit. (W10 x64)
by Guest on 2018/04/24 06:51:06 PM    
are you using the newest version of fopnu? v1.27
by Guest on 2018/04/25 10:07:34 AM    
Remove files from your download queue. If you have lots of files in your download queue then your downloads go very slowly.
by Guest on 2018/04/25 09:52:55 PM    
Yes, i use the latest version 1.27 and haven't any file in download queue.
by ComesIn3s on 2018/04/25 10:02:58 PM    
Might just be the user you are downloading from.
I know a few people who download off of me quite slow and then others get around 2500KB/s. Makes me assume the ones not getting the fastest speeds just have bad internet.
by BobyJ on 2018/04/27 10:53:38 AM    
@ ComesIn3s

Yes, you are right. This is the reason. I have checked and confirmed. Thanks!

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