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Using Fopnu

by Coki on 2017/08/01 05:47:45 PM    
Hello, i use and recommend Tixati aways, and i want to tri this Fopnu too.
I have a stupid question, all files in my "Library" are shared with other users?

Thank you, and my apologis for my english.
by Guest on 2017/08/01 07:03:37 PM    
if the files are 'checked on'(green check mark in the share column) then they are available for anyone on the network to find and download.

you can 'check off'(red x in the share column) any file you dont want shared, or remove the whole folder.
by Coki on 2017/08/01 08:32:18 PM    
Thank you!
I will make some propaganda of Fopnu for some people.
by etooms on 2017/08/06 09:25:40 AM    
Ok, but how about "permissions" for folders for some users (keys)? Or this is totally unconceptual ? ;-)
by Guest on 2017/08/06 09:16:43 PM    
I downloaded it, then tried to search something like "porn" which resulted nothing, then "*", also nothing. I guess it doesn't work yet...
by Guest on 2017/08/06 11:53:54 PM    
by Guest on Sun, 06 Aug 2017 19:16:43 GMT
I downloaded it, then tried to search something like "porn" which resulted nothing, then "*", also nothing. I guess it doesn't work yet...

it does work, there just isn't that many people on it yet, but there are files available. try searching for .avi or .mp4 to see some of what's being shared.
by Guest on 2017/08/09 10:56:28 PM    
Im VETERAN P2P USER with 15+ years in my belt.

I have always promoted emule because it has the most files available and doesnt need any publishing to share. This is unbelievable important thing, and because torrents got so popular and antip2p orgs trashed networks like kademlia (emules serverless network), whole filesharing has declined dramatically.

This is exactly what I have been waiting for, and from the makers of Tixati, this is my dream come true.

Please support this project anyway you can. Software like this is hugely important for whistleblowers, crackers, truthseekers etc. Because these kind of files just wont survive in torrent network. Spread the word, keep sharing, donate, whatever you can. And 5 years into the future you will be glad you did because this could be the gamechanger globally!
by Guest on 2024/02/12 01:45:16 PM    
It seems to be a haven for people who can't get enough misinformation... And worse.

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