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Peers in Network / Future of fopnu

by Guest on 2018/01/02 11:49:13 PM    
Currently it says 77, is this the total number of fopnu peers sharing throughout the world?

I'm currently sharing 200,000 files but have had 0 leeches of anything?

If it doesn't get advertised and noticed I feel it's dying a death, why not spread the word on social media, torrentfreak, p2pnews, reddit, Slyck, gizmodo, Tixati users etc?

I really can't understand how what seems to be such great p2p software is not getting more action... ?
by Guest on 2018/01/04 01:32:27 AM    
Currently it says 77, is this the total number of fopnu peers sharing throughout the world?
this is just the number of people you are connected to. there are many more people on the network.
I'm currently sharing 200,000 files but have had 0 leeches of anything?
give it time. no one is searching for what you have yet.
If it doesn't get advertised and noticed I feel it's dying a death, why not spread the word on social media, torrentfreak, p2pnews, reddit, Slyck, gizmodo, Tixati users etc?
its up to us to spread the word and get people on the fopnu network.
I really can't understand how what seems to be such great p2p software is not getting more action... ?
its new. more people need to spread the word.

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